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BOOST Pop Up Parties

BOOST Pop Up Parties

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Ashley Clark
Ashley Clark
1 year ago

How do you go about doing this. I’m part of St. Louis Buy Nothing and a mom posted this – “Hello all….
Not sure if this is allowed, if not please just delete…

My twins are turning 12 on June 22…. Both girls…. Who just recently lost their father and are kinda bummed about their birthday this year…. And, with it being only my income, is kinda bumming me out too, because before we unexpectedly lost their Dad, we wanted to do something special for them this year, but it’s definitely NOT gonna happen this year, sadly….

All I’m looking for is birthday cards…. Anyone willing to send them a birthday card??? Send me a message and I’ll send you my address and their names…. Thank you and God bless!!! 💗💗💗”

I want to recommend a pop up party to her but I don’t want to set her up for failure. Lm

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