You remember Judas? The disciple that sold out Jesus! Yeah, that Judas. What if we told you that this Christian rapper, YB, just released an EP named after this very disciple? Is it for the sake of art? Is it for dramatic effect? Or is there something deeper we can learn from the name of this EP? This conversation with YB took a turn that I did not expect. And I want you to hear it.
View this video with YB, and other interviews with BOOST artists videos on the BOOST Radio YouTube Channel.
You dropped your EP, Judas.
Judas? One of the disciples that betrayed Jesus for some coins? Why Judas?
Right. So, the revelation behind Judas is… I know Jesus said, “There is no least of these,” but I mean, for his story, one of the worst disciples. I’m driving and God broke down what Judas means. Jesus Unconditionally Died for All Sinners. That’s Judas.
Bro. Run that back.
Jesus Unconditionally Died (I put the “for”) All Sinners. That’s Judas. And who is the worst one out of that whole narrative? Judas.
So the story of the EP is about being free to where we don’t have to measure up, but we don’t have to check off all of the boxes for Jesus to meet us in our Judas moment. Don’t strive to be Judas.
But our God is greater than that Judas moment.
Come on, Bro. So there’s three songs in the EP. What artist was your inspiration for that?
Oh man, don’t know. I don’t know about other artists. Yeah. When I start working on music, I stop listening to everything. Now I’ll still listen to folk, I still listen to pop, but as far as rap, I turn off everything.
So you’re not influenced by anything else?
For sure, for sure.
But this one, now, I really enjoyed this process because typically I have preset beats. So they send me this and then I got to just get whatever we got with this process. Shout out Quin Coblentz. I sent him my ideas and he went in there and he built around it and took everything to the next level. So yeah, without, 1K Phew said this on his latest release and I agree a thousand percent, “Without the producers, there’s no records.”
That’s facts. Is that just reving up for what’s coming after that?
Oh man. Yeah.
What’s coming?
Well, I mean, we’ve been busy this year, so I said, you know what? We’re going to go on the fourth quarter just so the soldiers shout out to soldiers. So ya’ll won’t say “Man, he left us hanging this last quarter.” We took care of y’all the last quarter. And then the Lord’s will, 2023 should be fun.
And we bringing in features. I’m reading y’all DMs. Everybody keeps saying “YB, you could have brought this person in.” We working, we working.
Who do you want to work with?
I mean, KB is a given. Andy Mineo is one. Nonobigdyl. I feel like we could have some records that could go crazy. I got one with me and Hulvey, I feel like we, yeah. So I got some-
You refer your fans are soldiers?
Did they name themselves that or did you name them that?
No, so God gave me that mission.
Is why God Still Has Soldiers. And then I was like, “All right. Well, you need an army. I can’t do everything.” So, yeah. God Still Has Soldiers. So the whole idea behind that is, man, when you on that front line, everybody’s equipped to be a part of God’s kingdom and be on that front line.
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